Friday, November 1, 2013

Fiction International #46: Real Time/Virtual Now Available

Fiction International #46: Real Time/Virtual is available for purchase. I edited and co-wrote a collaborative text that was published in this issue. The piece is titled "Art-Making in the Technosphere," and it has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize.
Other writers featured in this text are Andy O'Clancy, Natalie Quave, Randall Lahrman (whose two sections are directly linked to mine), Ryan Forsythe, Jo Ellen Aragon, Carla Wilson, and Francois Bereaud. It's a really interesting and somehow cohesive text despite the small groups working somewhat independently before I dipped my editorial mind into the mix. Those of you already familiar with my writing will probably be able to tell which sections are mine, but just in case—my first section begins with "Dear Sirs..." and the second with "I wanted to rip my eyes out."
You can purchase the new issue at Amazon. Here is the link:

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